Directed by Andrew Kötting - A road movie truly like no other, Gallivant chronicles Andrew Kötting’s journey around the UK’s coastline, with his eccentric ‘Big Granny’ Gladys and young daughter Eden, who has Joubert Syndrome and communicates through sign-language.
Join us at Good Shepherd Studios for the feature, shorts and post film discussion with Andrew Kötting & John Rogers.
18:30 Doors Open
21:15 Post film discussion
22:30 Finish
All donations raised will go towards future screenings at the community cinema, this is a not-for-profit event.
Refreshments will be available by our friends at Stone Mini Market ‘Mini Mini Bar’ - from 18:30 onwards - A whole non-alcoholic bar, including high quality beers and wines options, soft drinks, snacks and popcorn.